The interesting life cycle of insects
It seems a bit odd to think of insects having a mother and father, but they do! Here’s their story, from conception to adulthood.
It seems a bit odd to think of insects having a mother and father, but they do! Here’s their story, from conception to adulthood.
Explore these links to learn all you’d like to know about insects and how they benefit a backyard wildlife habitat — and the world!
Our world would be very different without insects. They are pollinators, they decompose waste, aerate and fertilize soil, make materials, and more.
Lots of people surprise themselves by developing an interest in identifying insects and spiders they see in their yard.
Insects are the backbone of most animal life on this planet. Click on a group to learn more about it.
Gone are the warm days, flowers, butterflies and singing birds. Now, it’s the chilly, bare, quiet landscape of winter. Anything happenin’ out there?
Fun to watch, important to your yard’s ecosystem, and not insects!
Harmless to humans, beneficial for your yard, and rarely encountered.
A pond for wildlife is an added bonus for them.
Millipedes only seem scary. Harmless to humans and beneficial.
There’s a lot to know about soil.
About chiggers, gnats, black flies, fire ants! Oh my!