Native plants for a pond
A pond, small or large, looks prettiest when it’s flanked with plants, and wildlife prefers them. A pond needs three kinds. See our plant lists.
A pond, small or large, looks prettiest when it’s flanked with plants, and wildlife prefers them. A pond needs three kinds. See our plant lists.
Bring butterflies up-close with pots of annuals on your porch, deck or patio. See our list of butterflies and the annuals they like.
Swaying gracefully in the gentlest breeze, native grasses seem to be the “free spirits” of the plant kingdom. Their looks, though, are…
Clay soil is the bane of garden plants. But the perennials on this list defy the odds and even manage to flourish.
A list of 58 common butterfly species and the host plants needed for their caterpillars.
Why settle for only butterflies in your “butterfly” garden? You can also draw those ever-entertaining bundles of energy—hummingbirds.
Clay soil is a challenge. Air and water can hardly penetrate clay, but it can be improved. Tips to make it richer.
Guidelines for ethical collecting of seeds from wild-growing native plants.
Native plants contribute to a backyard wildlife habitat in the best possible ways. Here’s a list of ideal plants.
Lists of ideal native shrubs and grasses favored by wildlife and suitable for urban yards.